PP’s point of view

Third post of the day.

I gave PP my Samsung NX1100 camera because he wanted to learn how to take photos. I gave him three rules:

  1. Protect the camera from banging against hard object and edges
  2. Do not touch the camera lens
  3. Do not run while holding the camera. He is actually quite accident-proned!

With that three rules in mind, the boys wrapped the camera around his neck and walked around the backyard to freely explore things that I could see. He captured a whole lot of photos, most were blurry because he did not know how to hold and wait until the shutter button is released.

Here are a few samples of photos from his perspective.

Picture of Peanut crying because he also wanted the camera.

A blurry imagery of something against the light…I am still not sure where exactly that this photo was taken, but I know it was inside the house.

The blooming daylilies in the neighbor’s garden.

Finally I have someone else to take photos of me, and not the other way around.

Self-portrait, of some sort, of his feet. This is the best image out of 147 photos he captured. I loved it so much that I turned the photo into black and white. Great composition, great lighting that highlighted the texture of his skin, and the scab as remnant of a mosquito bite. I think this boy has some potential.

He was most excited about this photo because the ball was bouncing in the air as he captured it. He was playing around with the camera setting and somehow found his way to the smart-option with the tilt-shift mode.

Out-of-focus picture of my newly manicured nails that my sister in law painted for me yesterday.

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